Problem Solved?

The sun’s about to set. I should have factored in that the days get shorter in a hurry, brought a bigger flashlight and a blowtorch to thaw the ground. I’ve been digging a hole in the frozen ground all day with not much to show for my efforts. Other than sore shoulders.

Wolves howl again in the distance – closer than the last time. Do they smell me? They must smell him. Are they hungry? Should I have brought a rifle? The MagLite won’t scare them off.

If I leave his body here, will the wolves solve the problem for me?


Sometimes the moment I look at a picture prompt, a character pops into my head. Happened with this week’s FFfAW picture. I’m early this week, so there are not many stories here yet, but give it a day and they’ll flood in.

25 thoughts on “Problem Solved?

    1. Ooh, I like your reading! That’s not what I meant, but that could lead to many more stories! I’ll keep it in mind for next time. Thanks, PJ 🙂

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  1. Wow! Such a strong personality in only 100 words 🙂 I can’t help but feel like there’s a method to the madness, like a revenge story or something. Maybe the killer isn’t the bad guy. Or girl.

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  2. Great story, Sonya! I think the wolves probably would take care of her problem – but they might also take care of her! I’m curious as to how he died… 🙂

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  3. I think it’s amazing you write a story in 100 words. Someone recently told me about 50 word flash fic, I’m not that courageous. Lol. Nice surprise ending.

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    1. Tbh, I often try to keep as many things open to the reader’s interpretation as I can. If you want it to be a guy, he’s a guy 🙂

      Thank you!

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